
Constructing Sessions

Before we can use our page/block objects, we need to set up a browser Session. To construct one, you will need to provide a driver environment, which is any class that implements the IDriverEnvironment interface. You can learn more about driver environments here.

For the example below, we are using a built-in environment called InternetExplorer.

var environment = new InternetExplorer();
var session = new Session(environment);

You can also assemble Session with one line, as long as the IDriverEnvironment you have chosen to use has a default constructor.

var session = new Session<InternetExplorer>();

Session Fixtures

In order to make this reusable in your preferred test framework, you would want to create a base test fixture with this variable as protected. Any derived classes could then reference this variable. The example below is for NUnit.

public abstract class SessionFixture
  protected Session Session { get; private set; }

  public void SetUp()
    Session = new Session<InternetExplorer>();

  public void TearDown()

public class LoginPageTests : SessionFixture
  public void given_invalid_login_when_logging_in_should_display_error()

Thread-Safe Sessions

An alternative to creating a common base test fixture is to use a built-in, thread-safe method for establishing a Session that can be used across multiple methods within a test fixture or even across multiple fixtures on one thread without having to first construct it.

An example is below.

public class LoginPageTests
  public void given_invalid_login_when_logging_in_should_display_error()

  public void TearDown()

You can keep referencing the same Session in each and every method. And if you are leveraging a test framework that spins off multiple threads running your tests, you can be assured that each Session is in it’s own thread and safe from harm.

In some cases, you will want to use a driver environment that does not have a default public constructor. In those cases, you can pass in an instance to the With() method.

public void given_invalid_login_when_logging_in_should_display_error()
    .With(new InternetExplorer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))

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